How to order what you really need? It’s all about validating IT project requirements

Idego Idego • Aug 31
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IT project requirements, put simply, are the answer to the needs of final product consumers. For instance, if a company notices an increase in the number of people who use its service on their smartphones, it may in response decide to create a mobile app that will make this interaction easier. Up to this point, everything seems simple. However later on, when it’s time to decide on the details, things get far more complicated. It’s easy to get confused, forget about what’s important and commission something that is not in line with actual needs.

Sounds like a nightmare and a ton of money down the drain, doesn’t it? Fortunately, this can be avoided. Just take some time to carefully analyse and evaluate IT project requirements.

How to verify whether IT project requirements are accurate and meaningful?

How to be sure that a project really is needed? And check whether requirements are accurate and completion is profitable? To learn all these details, you just need to carry on according to a set plan!

Verifying concepts

Lack of defined concepts drastically increases the risk of a project’s failure. And nobody wants to trip at the very start. Gather around with everyone involved in the project and jointly define all the concepts. Objectives, scope, limitations, rules of cooperation with the service provider. Are these aspects sufficiently accurate, clear, complete and consistent? Are the targets achievable and reasonable on a business level? Have you considered all the limitations? By defining and verifying concepts, you will have an easier time managing risk in the future.

Evaluation criteria

Without them, you will get nowhere! Measurable criteria are the basis for monitoring successful completion. What should I use? Preferably KPI, i.e. Key Performance Indicators. Consider what you want to measure and what outcomes you find satisfactory. Just don’t overdo it. Anyone can come up with 20 different indicators. But it’s better to choose just a few that you can actually influence and that are more in line with the nature of the project. The word “Key” in the name of the method is no coincidence.

Alignment with goals

Be prepared for big changes at this stage. Take an in-depth look at all the IT project requirements. Are all of them contributing to the achievement of your goals? If not, don’t be afraid to hit the “Delete” button. Are requirements not even indirectly contributing to the plan, yet stakeholders insist on keeping them? Discuss whether it would be better to address those requirements in a separate project.

Cost assessment

A deciding stage that will inform you whether a project is even worth pursuing. Even if it does solve a particular problem, the venture may still turn out to be unprofitable. Analyse the costs and advantages to know the answer!

Software Engineers - development team

Does the service provider have a say in all of this?

Software houses can be divided into those that take on commissions and those that seek the best solutions together with their customers. Guess which category we fall into 😉

At Idego, we start working on a project long before we sign a contract. Before the first decisions are made and the first line of code is written, we do three things: we talk, we talk, and we talk. Our experience allows us to see opportunities and risks that someone without the technical knowledge might miss. We share insight, suggestions and advice and we are not afraid to point out mistakes or areas for improvement. We listen carefully, we analyse and we discuss. Also, we strive for a solution that best corresponds to the business goals of the customer. We build an honest partnership with the client, which is the first step towards success. Simply put, we play on the same team. No wonder that Clutch considers us a leading B2B service provider!

And what if you’re not exactly sure what you need? No problem! We’re happy to help you find that answer. If you haven’t refined your plan yet, why not do it together with us?

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