Hiring software developers from Poland – why is it a good choice?

Idego Idego • Jul 29
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Outsourcing IT services is nothing new on the international market in various industries. Some companies simply do not want to keep a full-time in-house development team, as they do not require services from highly specialized developers. Some companies choose to hire programmers from abroad when there are too few experienced professionals in their local market. Many organizations search for IT talents in Poland.

Why the Polish software development team? There are multiple reasons why you should search for IT experts in Poland. Becoming an IT specialist is a highly attractive career in Poland nowadays and apart from Universities that teach young programming enthusiasts, there are many private, commercial IT schools and courses. Competition on the market is big – surely that is why Polish software developers are considered one of the best in the world. Learn why you should hire a software development team from Poland.

Should you outsource all your software development processes or invest in staff augmentation?

If you do not have a full in-house development team, but you need to handle a software development project, you have three choices. You may: 

If you do not have a full in-house development team, but you need to handle a software development project, you have three choices. You may: 

  • outsource all software development services and order your digital product to simply be built,
  • decide to run the project on your side and create a dedicated team of developers with the help of a selected Polish software house,
  • benefit from staff augmentation and add talents to your existing team of developers and designers. 

All those approaches can be a good solution and no matter which one you choose, you can hire software developers from Poland to support you. If you choose to form a dedicated team or add some talented professionals to your software development team, you will remain in full control of the development process, and acquired developers from Poland will work with you (and your full-time employees) remotely through all the stages of the development process. If you would rather trust our experts to create the software you need, you can also take advantage of working with Polish developers – we have a long tradition of close cooperation with our customers on their digital products and business software.

Polish IT experts and companies in numbers – statistics

We have already mentioned that there is tremendous competition among developers and other IT experts in Poland, so you may be certain that Polish software houses employ some of the best experts in the world. In 2016 HackerRank placed Poland in third place in the ranking of countries with the best developers. Poland also became a leader among countries with the best Java developers and fifth among those with the best Ruby experts. Those are of course not the only domains that our developers are specialized in.

The Software Development in Ukraine, Poland, Belarus and Romania report from February 2019 indicates that the sales of Polish IT-services exports have been growing from 2010 to 2017 reaching EUR 4.16 billion in 2017. The awareness of Polish IT potential increased significantly and still increases among international companies, and so does the interest in outsourcing to Polish developers. 

Pricing is usually quite important when considering outsourcing. Authors of the report mention that though salaries of IT specialists in Poland grow with each year, they are still around 46% lower than in Germany. Software development companies from Poland – including Idego – offer their services in all main industries and have clients both on the local markets and abroad, so you can be sure that if you choose Polish developers to work with, you will cooperate with specialists that are fluent in English and that are highly experienced.

Advantages of hiring software developers in Poland

Nobody wants to buy a pig in a poke. Reports show that our developers are some of the best in the world. There are the three most important benefits of hiring Polish software developers for your IT project. 

English proficiency and minimal culture gap

Language skills are crucial to efficient communication within a project. Fortunately, most developers in Poland speak English fluently – it is taught in Polish schools from a very young age. For many companies that we worked with, the fact that there is nearly no cultural gap was an important advantage. Those who decide to work side by side with Polish experts will soon realize that there are no big cultural differences between them and other citizens of the EU.

Experienced IT specialists working in the international environment

Polish developers in Idego have extensive experience in working internationally. A lot of IT specialists from Poland participate in large IT projects and work in the international environment remotely or in the office. At the same time, it is worth mentioning that Poland software houses often cooperate on projects with companies from other countries or hire experts from abroad, so you can be sure that Polish developers will behave and work according to international standards.

Relatively low costs of hiring

Numerous reports indicate that for now, the wages of Polish developers are more than 40% lower than for example German ones. It changes slowly, but Poland remains relatively inexpensive for western companies that try to minimize expenses. Software development is expensive, and there is nothing wrong with outsourcing. If you want to save money, but at the same time, you want to be sure that your product is of the highest quality, choose software developers from Poland.

Remote cooperation with developers from the other countries

Ok, so you already know that Polish developers are renowned all over the world, and you can benefit greatly from such international collaboration, but you are still not convinced about remote cooperation? A lot has changed not only in IT but also in many other industries since the COVID-19 pandemic and lockdowns. Nowadays, remote or semi-remote working is no longer something new or special.

Remote or semi-remote software development has been a common way to handle IT projects in software houses all over the world for quite some time now. It is not only more cost-effective and allows you to avoid business trips when they are not necessary – although reduced commute time and minimized travel costs are important benefits. Remote work supports work-life balance, hence our developers are more satisfied with their jobs and more efficient. 

The Tech talent gap creates a need for a country-wide search for some competencies. Remote collaboration enables you to find more adequate developers for a particular project. You should not be afraid of remote collaboration with Polish software developers. There are now multiple tools that enable smooth remote work on an IT project.

Why is Poland a great choice in outsourcing software development services?

You will learn in no time that Polish programmers are among the best software developers in the world. No matter if you decide to hire extensively experienced developers into your in-house team to improve efficiency on the project, create a dedicated team or simply order developing a customized piece of software for your company. By cooperating with developers from Poland, you gain:

  • access to many well-educated and talented programmers,
  • a capability to reduce costs of software development for your company,
  • a chance for your in-house developers to collaborate and learn from experienced IT professionals,
  • high-quality software built using the most modern techniques and tech stack,
  • An occasion to learn more about Polish culture of work.

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