Saving Christmas trees in the holiday spirit

Idego Idego • Nov 25
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Christmas time is a magical one, and instead of waiting for a miracle, we decided to enchant this season ourselves.

Everyone’s first association with Christmas is probably different, although for most of us it’s a moment of rest, gathering with loved ones and sharing gifts. This year we wanted to add one more element to the gifts – to do something good for the planet. And, since the inseparable symbol of Christmas is a Christmas tree just such a gift each of us found (metaphorically) in its box.

Mission possible: Christmas tree for everyone

We wanted the gifts to be unique and to have a certain factor that has always distinguished us – a kind of “soul”. And with such a mission we decided to go out. With all under the slogan of working for the environment.

The Christmas tree during the holidays is a beautiful tradition that we wanted to nurture, but in a less standard way. We had a not insignificant dream that every employee could get his or her own tree and at the same time that the gift would contribute to the welfare of the planet. That’s where the idea of planting an Idego forest came from. Our green piece of fragrant fir is not only a beautiful gift for employees, but also a gift from us to the region and future generations. We gave something that can’t be found on store shelves and that any of us could order online with a few clicks of the computer mouse.

The biggest disaster in the history of forests

In 2017, a storm passed through the municipality of Brusy causing huge losses. As a result of it, houses, farm buildings, as well as roads were damaged. However, the most affected by the disaster were forests. As many as 12,500 hectares of woodland were damaged, and more than half required complete logging. In the history of forests, this was the biggest disaster.

The area needs restoration. With the support of institutions and organizations, the reconstruction of the forest is becoming more and more feasible. We too have decided to step out and join the restoration of the grounds. It is also of special importance that the injured forest area is located in Pomerania Province, only 150 kilometers from our headquarters.

We also wanted to make sure that the assistance was not only real and professionally done, but also had a local dimension. Of course, we work from different parts of Poland, most of our colleagues work remotely, but this region of Pomerania is very close to us. We knew about the disaster that affected the nearby forests and wanted to act. The need to plant fir trees in Czernica fit perfectly with our Christmas mission this year.

Together with the Przymuszewo Forest District, we planted several hundred saplings. Thus, each of our employees and customers can proudly own their individual tree, which has been rebuilding damaged areas ever since. Everyone also received coordinates so they can locate their Christmas tree.

photo: Natalia Kłopotek-Główczewska, source:

Choosing gifts together

This year we focused not only on saving the planet but also on choosing gifts together. By testing together, we created the best blends of our favorite drinks: coffee and tea. This is how our Christmas brand was created.

We tried coffee from one of the best roasters in Pomerania. The coffee roaster prepared specially selected beans for us, and that’s how we came up with the combination we liked best.

The choice of tea also turned out to be quite simple. Of the four available herbal mixes, we chose the one based on green tea.

The label was left as the icing on the cake, and it wasn’t a random choice either. Everyone could suggest anything they liked, which we then illustrated. That’s how the graphic was created, combining various elements that at first glance are unrelated, but have meaning for our team.

In addition, anyone who wishes to smell our piece of the forest, without necessarily visiting Czernica, gets a unique candle smelling exactly like our fir trees. To be able to relax with a mug of favorite coffee or tea on a winter evening and feel the Christmas atmosphere.

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