Wind of change

jorge.bendek jorge.bendek • Jul 29
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Since I arrived in Poland to do my internship in Idego, I have experienced a lot of new things. From meeting new dishes, beautiful views and very touristic places to amazing people, and in this article I want to talk about these people. I am from Santa Cruz, a beautiful Bolivian city where the people are kind and respectful. I always wanted to go abroad and learn more about the IT industry and how people work outside of my country. When Idego allowed me to come I didn’t think twice, and now 2 months later I am here, enjoying, giving my best, and overall learning how to make things great. 


The best welcome

I am glad that I arrived before the Summit 2022 because I met incredible people from different parts of Poland and the world. I was impressed by how open people were, also the games, the bonfire, some beers, and good food were perfect for making new friends. Idego is a company that embraces diversity and new cultures, and always makes the best effort to keep the team happy, reunited, and focused on productivity. I really feel comfortable with the team because they always integrate you and make you part of the things and that’s great when we are talking about having the best place to work.


“Remote friendly and new work culture”

Since I read the offer and began to see the word “remote”, I was curious about how it works. I consider myself a traveler, always interested in meeting new people, cultures, and places. Idego gave me the chance to work remotely so, I began to plan my trip schedule, that’s why working from a pier in Stockholm, a Coffee shop in Berlin, a park in Amsterdam, and a Train to Warsaw was possible for me. I don’t recommend having meetings on a train because of the noise, but nevertheless, it’s possible to work. Sometimes you just need to work alone and in silence, so that’s why I’m also used to working from my flat, cooking something tasty, and focusing on my tasks. I think that Idego knows how to make things great, It’s amazing the change I lived, from working in a bank with a lot of unproductive meetings, formal and structured communication, and a dress code in the office, to fast daily meetings, no dress codes in the office, and good work practices that I’m still learning every day.


Definitely, Poland embraces me in the best way. Since I arrived I met great people and friends for life. Also because you can find people from different cities in Poland and abroad. Here you can find a multicultural environment, where you can feel accepted and fix easily in it. I am learning a lot about how to work in a diverse environment with different cultures, customs, and traditions. Also here you can find big international communities and institutions that help people from abroad, in this case for me IAESTE (The International Association for the Exchange of Students For Technical Experience) helps me in this amazing experience that I’m living.

I think that coming to Poland and working in Idego was a great choice that helps me to improve my skills and be more open to new things.


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