When a server encounters a severe problem while functioning, the website or web application that is built on it becomes unavailable to users. Since many companies rely on their web product to generate revenues, a non-functioning website is a huge financial loss for them. Wanting to prevent such situations from happening, our client came up with the idea to create a website monitoring system. The solution would ensure that websites are always available.
We integrated the website monitoring system with the reporting tool. This way the website admin can generate various reports to see a summary of server problems of a given day, week or month. The alerts and reports are sent to the web admin informing about the current website status.
We also wanted to make the configuration of the WatchScript system as convenient as possible. The website monitoring software was supposed to be available online without the need to install additional hardware or browser extensions.
As a result, we made a performance and availability monitoring solution for websites, servers, and web applications. WatchScript is a comprehensive monitoring platform that helps deliver the best possible web experience to customers.